The Mad Food Science Incursion is a fun, interactive educational workshop, that uses quirky
experiments to get children to understand key health messages and our school will be taking part throughout Term 2.
The Root Cause have
presented this workshop to over 140 schools and over 35,000 children and parents, with great
success and feedback.
The main objectives of the program are to teach students concepts such as:
- Why their body needs a rainbow of fruit and vegetables
- To take responsibility for what they put in their mouth
- To taste food with their tongue, not with their eyes
- How to read food packets, and why real food is so much better
- How food can affect their mood, concentration and behaviour
- How to start positive conversations about healthy food at home
- To make better choices together with parents – at home, and in lunchboxes
The Incursion features thought-provoking conversations, engaging experiments, and a
taste-test for every student. Students regularly change their behaviour around food
immediately after attending the program.