Glen Aplin State School supports and actively promotes the Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) scheme initiated through the Qld Department of Education. PBL is a whole-school framework which helps schools to create positive learning environments. This is achieved by developing proactive systems to define, teach, and support appropriate student behaviours.
Our school has a PBL team with representatives from staff, P&C and parents.
PBL mission statement
The community of Glen Aplin State School will strive for a responsible, safe, respectful, learning environment that will enable our students to reach their full potential.
Our school expectations are:
- I am safe.
- I am responsible.
- I am respectful.
- I am a learner.
Our PBL team in conjunction with all parents and staff, have developed our expectations matrix (PDF, 43KB).
Weekly lessons for this term have been planned as in the attached document.